How To Make Homemade Protein Powder

Homemade Recipe

Working hard in the gym is one half of the journey to hitting your fitness goals. The other half is looking after your nutrition is step two. Therefore, this homemade protein powder recipe is a great way to boost your protein intake right out of your kitchen cupboard.

Okay, so you need a way to boost your protein intake as there’s no point in working hard if you’re not fueling your body to recover and go again. When it comes to boosting your protein intake supplements go a long way in helping. However, ready-made protein powders can be expensive (not to mention forgetting to order and waiting for delivery).

Luckily, this homemade protein powder recipe can be made using a handful of ingredients. They are all items you can pick up from your local supermarket on your lunch. This is what makes this recipe so good, it’s readily available!!!

What you’ll need

  • 250g dried skimmed milk powder, divided
  • 80g instant dry oats
  • 90g ground almonds
  • 1 tsp Sweetener of your choice – I like Truvia

How to make it

  1. Place 150g milk powder, all of the oats and all almond powder in blender, pulse until smooth.
  2. Throw in the remaining milk powder & sweetener in the blender and pulse until blended.
  3. Store in an air tight container at room temperature if you use within 2 weeks. (If keeping for any longer put in the fridge).

How to use it

This is no different to the protein powder you buy from the brands. Simply add a scoop (30-40g) into a liquid of your choice and blend (Milk or water works but milk will multiply the sugar content so save that for post-workout shakes). Adjust the quantity of powder for the thickness of the shake.

The recipe will make anywhere between 10-15 servings with around 15g protein and 140 calories per serving. So, if you have a bigger blender or want to bulk make more, multiply the ingredients accordingly. For example, if you wanted to make 30 servings, times the ingredients by 2-3 depending on how big you plan the servings to be.

For thicker shakes, let the blend set for 5-10 minutes once mixed to fill the oats out. You can even add additional fruits, yogurt or flavorings to suit your taste, examples are: (

  • Cocoa powder for chocolate
  • Vanilla extract for additional sweetness
  • Almond extract for a nuttier taste.

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